Dungeons & Dragons: „Die Tiefen von Phandelver: Der zersplitterte Obelisk“ ist ab sofort verfügbar!

Die Stadt Phandalin steht vor einer neuen Bedrohung


In Die Tiefen von Phandelver: Der zersplitterte Obelisk, einem brandneuen Abenteuer für Dungeons & Dragons, verschlägt es neue und erfahrene Spieler zurück in die vertraute Stadt Phandalin, die bereits im beliebten Starter-Abenteuer Die verlorene Mine von Phandelver als Schauplatz diente. 

Nun wird Phandalin von einer neuen, gefährlichen Verschwörung bedroht. Ähnlich wie in der Geschichte des erfolgreichen Videospiels Baldur’s Gate 3 geht auch in Die Tiefen von Phandelver: Der zersplitterte Obelisk die Hauptbedrohung von den furchteinflößenden Gedankenschindern aus. Diese Illithiden sind die Drahtzieher hinter den Goblin-Unruhen in Phandalin und stehen in direkter Verbindung mit einer Gottheit, die D&D-Fans bisher unbekannt war und im Fernen Reich lauert.

Senior Designerin Amanda Hamon erzählt in den Videos dieser YouTube-Playlist mehr über die Wendungen dieser Geschichte (nur auf Englisch verfügbar):

Eine Diskussion über die Monster und die magischen Gegenstände, die Spieler in dem neuen Abenteuer erwarten

Eine genaue Betrachtung der Gedankenschinder und weiteren Bedrohungen

Klassische D&D-Monster, die für dieses Abenteuer angepasst wurden

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About Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons has enchanted fans for nearly 50 years with innovative gameplay allowing friends and family to adventure in fantasy worlds together. The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game boasts more than 50 million fans to date who have enjoyed the franchise through video games, novels, comics, roleplaying games, and accessories. A major feature film produced by Paramount Pictures and eOne, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is poised to captivate audiences next year and fans can experience D&D online right now through easy-to-use tools on D&D Beyond.


About Wizards of the Coast 

Wizards of the Coast, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS), develops legendary games that inspire creativity, spark passions, forge friendships and foster communities around a lifetime love of games. Wizards delivers compelling experiences for gamers across tabletop and digital gaming through its best-known franchises MAGIC: THE GATHERING and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, along with Hasbro’s unparalleled portfolio of over 1,800 iconic brands. 

With headquarters in Renton, Washington and studios in Austin, Montreal and Raleigh, Wizards is dedicated to fostering world-class talent to create unforgettable play experiences on all platforms. To learn more about Wizards, please visit our company website and Wizards of the Coast on LinkedIn.


About Hasbro 

Hasbro is a leading toy and game company whose mission is to entertain and connect generations of fans through the wonder of storytelling and exhilaration of play. Hasbro delivers play experiences for fans of all ages around the world, through toys, games, licensed consumer products, digital games and services, location-based entertainment, film, TV, and more. With a portfolio of over 1,800 iconic brands including MAGIC: THE GATHERING, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Hasbro Gaming, NERF, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH and PEPPA PIG, as well as premier partner brands, Hasbro brings fans together wherever they are, from tabletop to screen. 

Hasbro is guided by our Purpose to create joy and community for all people around the world, one game, one toy, one story at a time. For more than a decade, Hasbro has been consistently recognized for its corporate citizenship, including being named one of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens by 3BL Media, one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute and one of the 50 Most Community-Minded Companies in the U.S. by the Civic 50. For more information, visit https://corporate.hasbro.com or @Hasbro on LinkedIn. 


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