Extensive Demo for Indie Game Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors Launched – Stop the Alien Invasion Now!

Karlsruhe, Germany, September 6, 2023 | Indie developer Reija has released a free demo of Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors. In the action-packed top-down roguelike for PC, players face off against massive alien hordes in a heroic battle. To protect humanity and defeat even the most powerful opponents, players gain access to an impressive arsenal of weapons, modules and augmentations. In the extensive demo, players have the chance to prove themselves in the fast-paced battles and get a taste of the indie game.
The free demo of Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors includes:
- 5 out of 10 playable agents
- 2 out of 3 usable ultimates
- 2 out of 4 playable missions
- 5 out of 9 unlockable weapon augmentations
- 3 out of 9 unlockable module
- Transfer of the save game from the demo to the full version
Download the demo now: click.
The action-packed top-down roguelike is currently available at a price of €4.99 via Steam. If players decide to buy the full version of Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors after playing the demo, the save game from the demo can be transferred to the full version.
Key features
- Auto-firing bullets
- Several playable agents to unlock
- Customizable arsenal
- Fast paced runs (under 20 minutes)
- Choice of different modes to increase difficulty and rewards

Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors received partial funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the German government's computer game funding program.
About Reija:
Reija GmbH is a young indie developer team with locations in Berlin and Karlsruhe. Launched in 2019, Reija’s goal is to develop successful games with challenging game mechanics, appealing 3D graphics and action-packed settings. Three of the most renowned funding and cultural organizations in Germany are convinced of the vision and competence of the team and thus are long-term supporters of the projects.